Use Archive Invalidation Invalidated for new models and textures to be displayed. Ik how to get the house, but the Sheriff was killed by Burke and then i killed Burke. Lone Wanderer (optional) Fallout 3, My Megaton House theme and the Megaton armoury? You might want to remove any decorations placed around the house before purchasing themes, as once the theme is purchased, the items may end up underneath theme objects, rendering them unobtainable. You NEVER know when you will die randomly because of a bear trap, a trip mine, or one of those shotgun traps.If you turn the jukebox on at the same time as your Pip-boy radio, the sound quality may deteriorate and the game may also freeze.

If you follow these tips, and make sure you don't spray, over heal, get addicted to anything intentionally, and stay alert. Then, set out to rivet city to get the simple stuff out of the way. Fridge ~ Irradiated food / drinks But, to keep this guide short (there WILL be more), the caps go in the locker next to the bed along with quest items and sellable needs (Brotherhood holotags, teddy bears (the Pitt), Blood samples (Broken steel). Nuka cola machine ~ Meds and chems and nuka colas. but in the house, here's the format ~ Locker on the left to the bobbleheads is apparel. go disarm the bomb (go to moriarty's saloon and talk to burke to blow it up) if you went good, talk to Simms for the house key and 100 caps (speech option asks for 500 instead of 100 but the chances of it working are slim) i'd recommend keeping the Megaton house because it has more places to store items (The tempenny tower suite has more 'breathing' space but less space to store items.

(there is an alternative ~ Blowing up megaton's nuke will make you a disgrace in fallout and you'll get attacked by refugees instead of raiders). YES NOThen once you leave the ranch, walk up to megaton (Past the little gas station and talk to simms) Here is where the explosives skill comes in.